I Am JOYFUL INNER CHILD Purpose: To exuberantly and freely live in every moment.
Do you wake up excited to greet a new day with infinite possibilities, or smack the clock and dread another day of challenges?
Do you neglect to make time for play?
Are you often thinking and not fully enjoying the present moment?
Let joyful animal energy help!
Print each animal and intentionally select one, whether with eyes open or closed. Tap into the hummingbird for joy and happiness (**both included!), the swan for love, the monkey for energy, the eagle for inspiration, the gorilla for groundedness, the phoenix for invincibility, the panda for playfulness, and the peacock for vibrancy.
As you color in your special JOYFUL INNER CHILD collection of animals, visualize every stroke and choice as a root connecting you to Mother Earth and white light and source energy. Choose to be focused fully in every moment. Turn off distractions and just enjoy the journey (not the destination), not caring if you color outside the line or if the colors aren’t perfectly coordinated.
If you notice yourself slipping out of the present, bring your awareness back to your connection to your natural child-like state of joy and love.
As your animals come to life, imagine your body joyfully connecting each stroke of color to each smiling atom in the universe.
Joy is always flowing within you. All that is necessary is for you to choose to experience it by remembering who you truly are. When you identify with your true state of being as the Universe created you —that is when you experience pure and everlasting JOY.
What you think determines what world you live in. If you think you are a broken body with stories of the past weighing you down then you are identifying with the laws of this world that do not bring JOY. Instead, when you are spirit-identified as the Universe created you, you are in JOY. If someone or something can bring you JOY, someone or something can also take our JOY away. JOY is truly an inside job.
We live in a Matrix of Illusion. By removing the veil of illusion, we can return to our natural state of Joy.
Joy is the result of choosing Joy! Joy is not situational; it is attitudinal. Choose Joy today and in every moment.
If you notice yourself slipping out of Joy, bring your awareness back to choosing to see the world through the eyes of Joy and return to your natural state of Joy.
As you color in each animal, imagine your JOY bursting forth with each stroke of color as you share your brilliant exuberant, bubbling nature with love, ease, grace, and vivid colors! With the discovery of each hidden symbol, reconnect to your innate Joy and to universal energy.
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